# coding: utf-8
import contextlib
import logging
import tempfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Union
import torch
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler
from ignite.contrib.handlers.param_scheduler import LRScheduler, PiecewiseLinear
from ignite.engine import Engine, Events
from ignite.handlers import Checkpoint
[docs]class FastaiLRFinder:
"""Learning rate finder handler for supervised trainers.
While attached, the handler increases the learning rate in between two
boundaries in a linear or exponential manner. It provides valuable
information on how well the network can be trained over a range of learning
rates and what can be an optimal learning rate.
.. code-block:: python
from ignite.contrib.handlers import FastaiLRFinder
trainer = ...
model = ...
optimizer = ...
lr_finder = FastaiLRFinder()
to_save = {"model": model, "optimizer": optimizer}
with lr_finder.attach(trainer, to_save=to_save) as trainer_with_lr_finder:
# Get lr_finder results
# Plot lr_finder results (requires matplotlib)
# get lr_finder suggestion for lr
When context manager is exited all LR finder's handlers are removed.
Please, also keep in mind that all other handlers attached the trainer will be executed during LR finder's run.
This class may require `matplotlib` package to be installed to plot learning rate range test:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install matplotlib
Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks:
fastai/lr_find: https://github.com/fastai/fastai
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._diverge_flag = False
self._history = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Any]]
self._best_loss = None
self._lr_schedule = None # type: Optional[Union[LRScheduler, PiecewiseLinear]]
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _run(
trainer: Engine,
optimizer: Optimizer,
output_transform: Callable,
num_iter: int,
end_lr: float,
step_mode: str,
smooth_f: float,
diverge_th: float,
) -> None:
self._history = {"lr": [], "loss": []}
self._best_loss = None
self._diverge_flag = False
# attach LRScheduler to trainer.
if num_iter is None:
num_iter = trainer.state.epoch_length * trainer.state.max_epochs
max_iter = trainer.state.epoch_length * trainer.state.max_epochs # type: ignore[operator]
if num_iter > max_iter:
f"Desired num_iter {num_iter} is unreachable with the current run setup of {max_iter} iteration "
f"({trainer.state.max_epochs} epochs)",
if not trainer.has_event_handler(self._reached_num_iterations):
trainer.add_event_handler(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, self._reached_num_iterations, num_iter)
# attach loss and lr logging
if not trainer.has_event_handler(self._log_lr_and_loss):
Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, self._log_lr_and_loss, output_transform, smooth_f, diverge_th
self.logger.debug(f"Running LR finder for {num_iter} iterations")
# Initialize the proper learning rate policy
if step_mode.lower() == "exp":
self._lr_schedule = LRScheduler(_ExponentialLR(optimizer, end_lr, num_iter))
start_lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]
self._lr_schedule = PiecewiseLinear(
optimizer, param_name="lr", milestones_values=[(0, start_lr), (num_iter, end_lr)]
if not trainer.has_event_handler(self._lr_schedule):
trainer.add_event_handler(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, self._lr_schedule, num_iter)
def _reset(self, trainer: Engine) -> None:
self.logger.debug("Completed LR finder run")
trainer.remove_event_handler(self._lr_schedule, Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED) # type: ignore[arg-type]
trainer.remove_event_handler(self._log_lr_and_loss, Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED)
trainer.remove_event_handler(self._reached_num_iterations, Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED)
def _log_lr_and_loss(self, trainer: Engine, output_transform: Callable, smooth_f: float, diverge_th: float) -> None:
output = trainer.state.output
loss = output_transform(output)
lr = self._lr_schedule.get_param() # type: ignore[union-attr]
if trainer.state.iteration == 1:
self._best_loss = loss
if smooth_f > 0:
loss = smooth_f * loss + (1 - smooth_f) * self._history["loss"][-1]
if loss < self._best_loss:
self._best_loss = loss
# Check if the loss has diverged; if it has, stop the trainer
if self._history["loss"][-1] > diverge_th * self._best_loss: # type: ignore[operator]
self._diverge_flag = True
self.logger.info("Stopping early, the loss has diverged")
def _reached_num_iterations(self, trainer: Engine, num_iter: int) -> None:
if trainer.state.iteration > num_iter:
def _warning(self, _: Any) -> None:
if not self._diverge_flag:
"Run completed without loss diverging, increase end_lr, decrease diverge_th or look"
" at lr_finder.plot()",
def _detach(self, trainer: Engine) -> None:
Detaches lr_finder from trainer.
trainer: the trainer to detach form.
if trainer.has_event_handler(self._run, Events.STARTED):
trainer.remove_event_handler(self._run, Events.STARTED)
if trainer.has_event_handler(self._warning, Events.COMPLETED):
trainer.remove_event_handler(self._warning, Events.COMPLETED)
if trainer.has_event_handler(self._reset, Events.COMPLETED):
trainer.remove_event_handler(self._reset, Events.COMPLETED)
[docs] def get_results(self) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]:
Returns: dictionary with loss and lr logs fromm the previous run
return self._history
[docs] def plot(self, skip_start: int = 10, skip_end: int = 5, log_lr: bool = True) -> None:
"""Plots the learning rate range test.
This method requires `matplotlib` package to be installed:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install matplotlib
skip_start: number of batches to trim from the start.
Default: 10.
skip_end: number of batches to trim from the start.
Default: 5.
log_lr: True to plot the learning rate in a logarithmic
scale; otherwise, plotted in a linear scale. Default: True.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError(
"This method requires matplotlib to be installed. "
"Please install it with command: \n pip install matplotlib"
if not self._history:
raise RuntimeError("learning rate finder didn't run yet so results can't be plotted")
if skip_start < 0:
raise ValueError("skip_start cannot be negative")
if skip_end < 0:
raise ValueError("skip_end cannot be negative")
# Get the data to plot from the history dictionary. Also, handle skip_end=0
# properly so the behaviour is the expected
lrs = self._history["lr"]
losses = self._history["loss"]
if skip_end == 0:
lrs = lrs[skip_start:]
losses = losses[skip_start:]
lrs = lrs[skip_start:-skip_end]
losses = losses[skip_start:-skip_end]
# Plot loss as a function of the learning rate
plt.plot(lrs, losses)
if log_lr:
plt.xlabel("Learning rate")
[docs] def lr_suggestion(self) -> Any:
Returns: learning rate at the minimum numerical gradient
if not self._history:
raise RuntimeError("learning rate finder didn't run yet so lr_suggestion can't be returned")
loss = self._history["loss"]
grads = torch.tensor([loss[i] - loss[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(loss))])
min_grad_idx = grads.argmin() + 1
return self._history["lr"][int(min_grad_idx)]
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager
def attach(
trainer: Engine,
to_save: Mapping,
output_transform: Callable = lambda output: output,
num_iter: Optional[int] = None,
end_lr: float = 10.0,
step_mode: str = "exp",
smooth_f: float = 0.05,
diverge_th: float = 5.0,
) -> Any:
"""Attaches lr_finder to a given trainer. It also resets model and optimizer at the end of the run.
.. code-block:: python
to_save = {"model": model, "optimizer": optimizer}
with lr_finder.attach(trainer, to_save=to_save) as trainer_with_lr_finder:
trainer: lr_finder is attached to this trainer. Please, keep in mind that all attached handlers
will be executed.
to_save: dictionary with optimizer and other objects that needs to be restored after running
the LR finder. For example, `to_save={'optimizer': optimizer, 'model': model}`. All objects should
implement `state_dict` and `load_state_dict` methods.
output_transform: function that transforms the trainer's `state.output` after each
iteration. It must return the loss of that iteration.
num_iter: number of iterations for lr schedule between base lr and end_lr. Default, it will
run for `trainer.state.epoch_length * trainer.state.max_epochs`.
end_lr: upper bound for lr search. Default, 10.0.
step_mode: "exp" or "linear", which way should the lr be increased from optimizer's initial
lr to `end_lr`. Default, "exp".
smooth_f: loss smoothing factor in range `[0, 1)`. Default, 0.05
diverge_th: Used for stopping the search when `current loss > diverge_th * best_loss`.
Default, 5.0.
trainer_with_lr_finder (trainer used for finding the lr)
lr_finder cannot be attached to more than one trainer at a time.
if not isinstance(to_save, Mapping):
raise TypeError(f"Argument to_save should be a mapping, but given {type(to_save)}")
Checkpoint._check_objects(to_save, "state_dict")
Checkpoint._check_objects(to_save, "load_state_dict")
if "optimizer" not in to_save:
raise ValueError("Mapping to_save should contain 'optimizer' key")
if not isinstance(to_save["optimizer"], torch.optim.Optimizer):
raise TypeError(
f"Object to_save['optimizer'] should be torch optimizer, but given {type(to_save['optimizer'])}"
if smooth_f < 0 or smooth_f >= 1:
raise ValueError("smooth_f is outside the range [0, 1]")
if diverge_th < 1:
raise ValueError("diverge_th should be larger than 1")
if step_mode not in ["exp", "linear"]:
raise ValueError(f"step_mode should be 'exp' or 'linear', but given {step_mode}")
if num_iter is not None:
if not isinstance(num_iter, int):
raise TypeError(f"if provided, num_iter should be an integer, but give {num_iter}")
if num_iter <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"if provided, num_iter should be positive, but give {num_iter}")
# store to_save
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
obj = {k: o.state_dict() for k, o in to_save.items()}
# add trainer
obj["trainer"] = trainer.state_dict()
cache_filepath = Path(tmpdirname) / "ignite_lr_finder_cache.pt"
torch.save(obj, cache_filepath.as_posix())
optimizer = to_save["optimizer"]
# Attach handlers
if not trainer.has_event_handler(self._run):
if not trainer.has_event_handler(self._warning):
trainer.add_event_handler(Events.COMPLETED, self._warning)
if not trainer.has_event_handler(self._reset):
trainer.add_event_handler(Events.COMPLETED, self._reset)
yield trainer
# restore to_save and reset trainer's state
obj = torch.load(cache_filepath.as_posix())
for k, o in obj.items():
if k in to_save:
class _ExponentialLR(_LRScheduler):
"""Exponentially increases the learning rate between two boundaries over a number of
optimizer: wrapped optimizer.
end_lr: the initial learning rate which is the lower
boundary of the test. Default: 10.
num_iter: the number of iterations over which the test
occurs. Default: 100.
last_epoch: the index of last epoch. Default: -1.
def __init__(self, optimizer: Optimizer, end_lr: float, num_iter: int, last_epoch: int = -1):
self.end_lr = end_lr
self.num_iter = num_iter
super(_ExponentialLR, self).__init__(optimizer, last_epoch)
def get_lr(self) -> List[float]: # type: ignore
curr_iter = self.last_epoch + 1 # type: ignore[attr-defined]
r = curr_iter / self.num_iter
return [base_lr * (self.end_lr / base_lr) ** r for base_lr in self.base_lrs] # type: ignore[attr-defined]